April 2014 Update

Well, April, let’s see…

At work we stayed busy with some matches and a Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Camp. The camp was enjoyable because there were only 11 athletes, which means we got to really know the shooters on the range. We also to go take a tour with their group inside the vault of the Berman Museum. The Berman Museum, in Anniston, is really cool anyway. This guy was a spy in WWII and collected (traded and stole) artifacts which completely fill a 3 story museum. They have trick guns (pens, belt buckles, etc), guns from each war and country, swords and Asian art. I’ve been through the museum twice but I’ve never been down inside the vault; which is where they keep all the artifacts they don’t have room to display. Hundreds of pistols, guns, swords, arrows, crowns, and medals of honor are all stored inside this vault, that we got to walk around and touch!

We also spent a little bit more time in a hospital as J’s mom is battling high blood pressure. However we were able to all gather at their home for Easter and spend some holiday family time together.

J and I spent most of March dog sitting, which at this point has become more like dog-stealing. We love watching our friends dog, Rexi, so much we get excited when it’s “our weekend” to have her. We joke it’s like shared custody.

We also took a few weekends off work at the end of April and worked around the house. We bought and set up a new bedroom suite, which I absolutely love and we got for a steal! We planted our garden with a lot of vegetables and are praying they don’t all decide to become ready while we’re gone in June. J is planning all kinds of projects around the house; like getting a bee hive to produce honey. I’m just glad we got the garden in… one project at a time.


Wedding Card

It comes around every year, and here it is again, wedding season! I think I love wedding season so much because I had such a beautiful wedding. I wish I lived closer to everyone I know to help celebrate their special days. Instead, I’ve sent some homemade cards instead.

Wedding Card #2


I am slightly ashamed to admit how excited I am about this, but James bought a Kill-o-Watt meter, and it’s the most awesome thing ever!!!

You plug your appliances into it and the meter tells you how much energy the appliance uses. After you know that, you can figure out how much money it costs to run the appliance; per day, month or year. Do you know how much money it costs to run your modem each year? Cause I do!

I guess ever since we started tracking our finances in order to buy our home I have become obsessed with them. I meticulously color code each purchase we make in a spreadsheet so I know exactly how much money we spend on things like gas, or food. Not because we need to be crazy about our pennies, but because I just love knowing! And this new kilowattmeterthing tells me how much money the hair dryer uses to run or the coffee pot!


Catspy Awards

Our engagement happened the same weekend as the University of Kentucky’s Catpsy Awards. (It’s like the ESPN Espy’s).

I also really enjoyed getting to re-wear my junior prom dress, ’cause who doesn’t want to get dressed up like prom sometimes!?!

Catsby 1Catsby 1a

Easter Memories

“Uncle Scar, you’re so weird”

“You have no idea”

-The Lion King

This should be the quote of my family… seriously.

How do I know I grew up in a weird family? Because while the kids were hunting Easter eggs, the adults were walking around hunting beer cans.

And our Easter eggs weren’t always filled with candy and quarters, sometimes if you were the lucky one that year, you got an egg filled with pickled herring. You quickly learned not to open your eggs over the candy basket.

Happy Easter everyone!

Ruby Red Lips and Long Fingernails

This story was told me to by a crazy Aunt when I was probably close to 6 years old. I remember sitting squished in the back seat of the car alongside a few cousins, and driving past the gas station on the corner to her house. She was in the passenger seat and every once in awhile she’d get so into the story she’d twist her body around to look us directly in the eye. I’m pretty sure it was summer time, but with her telling it, we couldn’t resist a Halloween story. I’ve decided to post it now instead of in the fall, because of her great story telling in all seasons.

“Look What I Can Do With My Ruby Red Lips and My Long Fingernails”

 (Names are totally not changed, we are an important part of this story)

Once Upon A Time… There were five kids who lived across from a creepy old house. Their parents told them never to cross over the fence to this house, because it was rumored to be haunted. So the kids, Nolan, Taeja, Sarah, Madison and Nathan, always played in the safety of their own backyard. One day they were outside playing soccer when Nathan, who was very strong, kicked the ball all the way over the top of the fence!

They had to get their ball back to keep playing, so Nolan, who was very brave, lead the group through a slot in the wood fence. The old house had paint chipping off the door and shutters falling off their hinges. It looked like no one had lived in the house for a very long time. The ball lay in the overgrown grass near the rickety front porch.The group slowly walked up to the house.

“Did you hear something” Nolan whispered to the group?

“You’re just trying to scare us!” Madison said. They slowly inched closer to the ball.

“Look what I can do with my Ruby Red Lips and my Long Fingernails…”

This time they all heard it. There was a voice, and it was coming from inside the house.

“Maybe we should just go back” Sarah said grabbing the ball.

“No, I wanna know who that is” said Taeja.

The group continued up the steps of the front porch and into the abandoned house. They crossed through spiderwebs with their arms up to guard their face. The house was empty and everything was lined with a layer of dust.

“Look what I can do with my Ruby Red Lips and my Long Fingernails…”

There it was again, a woman’s voice repeating the same thing. It sent chills down all their spines.

“Look what I can do with my Ruby Red Lips and my Long Fingernails…”

It was coming from up the stairs. Trying to be as quiet as possible all five kids creeped up the stairs. They heard them sqqueeeaakk with each step. Everything was dark at the top of the steps, except for a small glimmer of light coming from under one door way.

“Look what I can do with my Ruby Red Lips and my Long Fingernails…”

The voice was louder now, and they knew they would find their answer behind the lit doorframe.

“Nolan, you go first, you’re the oldest” they all decided. Nolan ever-so-slowly, without making a sound, pushed open the door. Everyone’s heart was racing with the suspense.

Inside sitting at a mirror was an old woman with long gray hair. She turn to look at the kids when she noticed their entrance.

“Look what I can do with my Ruby Red Lips and my Long Fingernails…” She whispered at them in a raspy voice.

She raised one long fingernail to her red lips…

and went “blllbblllbbblllbb”

(The sound your mouth makes when you strum a finger up and down over your lips.)

Yes, she totally got us.

P.S. It was very hard to retell this story as amazing as my Aunt, I hope I did it justice. Also, if you’re interested in another retelling (I sometimes can’t help but google everything) here’s what I found. In our minds, my Aunt will always be the original author of this story.