Welcome to the Blog of Gaterbait!


This blog doesn’t have anything about alligators, baiting and hunting alligators, or even the correct spelling of alligator.

GaterBait was a cat. Not an actually baited out to alligators cat, but a fluffy tailed, tiger striped cat. As a kitten she was abandoned in an attic and rescued by James. When he called to tell me he was getting rid of her because he though she was “good for nothing but ‘gator bait”, her name stuck and she helped us survive the first years of marriage together. GaterBait made us laugh by eating pickled eggs, sitting in the pool and biting James’ nose.

Sometimes J and I attempt new projects (like remodeling an entire house, growing hops or crocheting cat hats) that flop. To others they’d be like the baby kitten abandoned in an attic, and good for nothing but ‘gator bait, but to us, they’re the best adventures we have together.

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