James Walter

James did not write this, but I felt bad only having a “Sarah” page. So here’s what I think is important facts about J:

  • He moved over 15 times while he lived at home with his parents. Not military, his dad worked for the power company, so they only moved around in the south.
  • Because they moved so much him, and his 3 younger brothers, were all home schooled.
  • He shot for Jacksonville State University in Alabama, where he was pretty bad ass and could have gone on to shoot at the Olympic Training Center, but instead…
  • He has worked for a company he loves promoting rifle safety and competitions since he graduated. (Where he is also pretty bad ass and got to be a manager before he was 30)
  • He likes: riding motorcycles, tinkering with trucks, being crafty! (ok he’d call this doing manly projects like remodeling a house), trading and bartering, loving me, and secretly loving our cats.
  • He doesn’t like cold weather or bologna.