
When I was taking a writing class in college my professor would tell us to write, not stopping, for at least 30 minutes. Write even if it was terrible. Even if you knew that you’d never read it again, or anyone else would ever want to read it. Write without ever letting your pen stop moving. When you got stuck, write it, “I’m writing and I have nothing to stay. I am out of ideas…”

And eventually you start writing something without even thinking about it. Something great and wonderful that really reflects how you’re feeling.

So that’s what I do here, I write for my own sake. Even if it’s terrible and random and makes no sense to anyone but me. Because the more I do it, the more therapeutic it is.

But sometimes it’s total shit.

The Best Husband I’ve Got

You know why my husband is better than yours?
Because the other night when he tried to smother me with a pillow and didn’t succeed he said “Murder attempt number 1 failed…”
Which is I think is a total positive, because we’ve been married for 645 days, and there could have been way more failed murder attempts I didn’t know about.

He’s the best husband I’ve got.

I Have Left My Heart In So Many Places

I’ve realized since starting to write this that I feel tied to places, more so than other things.
Am I the only person like this?
The Black Hills, for example, I hold so many memories there. But I don’t categorize them in my mind as “family” or “vacations”. They’re just The Black Hills. That place where yes, I went on a vacation, and yes, I went with family, but it was so much more than that. It’s my Peter Pan Happy Thought. The close my eyes and escape place.
But it’s also how I knew San Diego wasn’t my place. It was just a nice touristy place I went once and saw the beach. But the beach doesn’t do anything for me. I don’t feel soothed by the waves like I do rolling hills.
There are other places I know aren’t meant for me, but a few I think might rank up close to the hills. Kentucky for one, is beautiful. If I had to pick a second favorite, between that and the farmlands in Nebraska would be close. Both feel like home, and both are stunning to me. Right after mountains, I love farmland.
I can’t wait to discover more. To find out which places speak to me and which ones I’m ready to move on from. J says he wants to buy an RV and tour the US, I say yes if the kitties can go. Although they’re going to need some practice driving time after the disaster of driving them home for Christmas. Maybe by the time we retire they’ll be ready for the challenge.

San Diego

I felt so busy yesterday I didn’t really give a recap of San Diego-
The trip started with both J and I getting sick after the awards banquet we held on Saturday night. And although we were supposed to leave our house at 3 am to get to the airport, both of us were so sick we wouldn’t have made it out of bed. So we didn’t leave until Monday, drugged up on dramamine.
This started out our trip a little stressful, and when we arrived the guy in charge of the range was stressed too…and stayed stressed the entire event. Running matches is obviously not his full time job as there were a lot of key things he forgot about. For example a rule book. There were no rules for this match. We just flew by the seat of our pants for 2 weeks figuring out exactly what he wanted. The only highlight of work might be that the Marines thought J was Special Forces since he had a beard, and were shocked when he wasn’t.
Aside from all the work drama we did get to see some cool stuff and eat a lot of great seafood (after only eating soup for the first week)
We went to the Southwest most point of the continental US, where both of our phones received a text message saying “Welcome to Mexico! Txt messages will not be $0.50”.
We saw baby seals laying on the beach, the USS Midway carrier, Rosecrans National Cemetary, surfers, the sunset over the ocean, Hollywood blvd and Rodeo Drive, the Hollywood sign in the mountains and a few studios in Burbank. Overall it was a good trip, although we were both very ready to come home at the end.
I can’t really say that I’d want to go back to San Diego again, now that I’ve been there, there wasn’t anything I’d need to see again. After putting my hands in Marylin Monroes prints I’m feeling pretty set on Southern California… now maybe we’ll have to see the Northern part.


Well it’s been awhile… I’ve been away from my desk, and home, for about 2 week now. If not longer because of the long hours I worked before I went out to California. Plus the stomach flu/food poisoning I got.
But now we’re back home; so me, and the kitties are all happy. Back to our small home.
And now the house shopping continues, and it’s pretty discouraging. We found a house before Christmas that we really liked, but someone else bought it before we even got to make an offer. It’s hard to find a house between the Army Depot, National Forest, and Ghetto taking up so much space. Plus we don’t want to drive more than 45 minutes to work, and more preferably less than 30 min.
It seems like we came home and hardly got a break; back to work, back to fixing our broken water heater, back to non-stop going.