February Update

Well this month was definitely an interesting one, especially since we had 4 days off work due to Alabama snow. One of those days it was 40 degrees and sunny! Which is definitely the best kind of snow days.

We started working on our little house again after what seems like 6 months off. We’re currently working in the office, which is the last full size room to be completed. It’s also the room that will require the most work. There isn’t a Zac Efron poster decoupaged on the wall, but there are more holes than possible to count that need to be filled in. We began scraped off loose paint and ripping up the carpet and tack board along the edge of the room. And by we, I mean myself and the renter, because James learned a valuable lesson this month (which ironically he learned February of last year, but seems to need a yearly reminder)…

Don’t test the limits of food. If the egg looks sketchy, don’t eat it. Food poisoning is bad. Always, bad.



For anyone that knows my husband, they know he has a lot of plans. He makes all these plans with the best intentions, but there are a lot of things that J wants to do; fix a 4-wheeler, ride across the country on his motorcycle, brew beer, shoot pistol in the Olympics, remodel a house, flip cars on Craigslist, farm… Each of these goals separately are completely obtainable. The problem is that J wants to do them all right now.

Our new home we bought is situated on 20 acres. J was excited about this because he wants to “farm”, aka grow a garden. So far farming has involved buying a tractor, buying pieces for the tractor, working on the tractor and driving it around the yard. After that the other projects overtook the farming idea.

But last night we started watching this show on Netflix about a family in Alaska that homesteads. They completely live off the land, even when there is 10 months of winter. I think this show sparked J’s memory, that he had previously bought a lot of seeds to plant. Now we’ll be going to California in 3 days for 2 weeks, so starting a garden right now is a bit of a problem for us. So we started our homesteading 1 egg carton at a time.

Looking through the seeds and finding some dirt!

Looking through the seeds and finding some dirt!

Appetizer sticks double as plant markers

Appetizer sticks double as plant markers

We locked up the pods in a room in front of a window so the cats wouldn’t decide to play in the dirt. Now to see if anything starts growing when we return home mid-March!

Heightened Memory #2

Sammy the Snake.

Sammy the Snake was a Sly creature. He Slithered around Slurring his Sentences. “Ssssay now…”

In a sneaky way to tickle us or make us laugh my moms hand puppet was called Sammy the Snake. This wasn’t something that I forgot about but the other day I was reminded of Sammy and was thinking how this was something that was mostly between my mom and Joey. Sometimes mom would use Sammy to tickle me, but mostly Sammy and Joey laughed about things.

I am older than Joey, so I went to school while he stayed at home for two years. Neither of us ever went to much of a day care or pre-school because my mom worked part time and my dad farmed and they were able to watch us. (I still think in this aspect we are some of the most spoiled children ever).

But I just was thinking that during the time that Joey was at home he was building two years of memories that I don’t have. It’s extremely selfish to not notice things like this before, but I think it’s an overall human flaw to not realize that other people directly around you are still essentially on their own. I don’t remember a time before Joey, and he never had one with out me, but I still have memories that exclude him at home. He must have many more from his childhood. Sammy the Snake, is one of them. I just never thought to think of it that way.


Valentine’s Day

I’m a planner, this I know. So I’ve been dying for Valentines Day to come around since I made this card back in January sometime. It’s the cutest Valentines Day card I’ve ever made, I can’t wait to give it to J!

It’s a never ending card and I got the idea here

The front side looks like this:

Never Ending Card 1


Notice the cute kitty in the corner?

Then you open it up and the 2nd page looks like this:

Never Ending Card 2


Fold again and there’s a 3rd page:

Never Ending Card 3

And the last page/back is like this:

Never Ending Card 4